
Sunday Morning

Kids Ministries

Nursery Ages 0-36 Months

Children are checked in beginning at 9:45 AM, and parents are given a vibrating pager that will go off if they are needed. They will be cared for and instructed through the entire service.

Preschool Church Ages 3-K

Children are checked in beginning at 9:45 AM, and parents are given a vibrating pager that will go off if they are needed. They will be cared for and instructed through the entire service.

The Kids Dock 1st - 6th Grade

The Kids Dock is our children’s church program that takes place every Sunday during our 10AM worship service. The goal is for children to learn the Word and ways of God in an environment that is fun, inspirational and kid-friendly.

Wednesday Night

Kids Ministries


Elevate is a high-energy, mid-week program for kids 1st through 6th grade. Elevate offers age-appropriate teaching with creative resources to help children become the leaders God designed them to be.

Elevate Jr.

Elevate Jr. is our midweek program for for our preschoolers ages 3-K.


The Nursery/Toddler is open at 6:45 on Wednesday nights birth through 2 years.